A Course for CoParenting
Here is a letter from someone who recently took the Co-Parenting Into The Future Course:
“It is my privilege to write this recommendation for Juli Hall and Co-Parenting Into The
Future. Having known Juli Hall for many years, I’ve seen proof time after time of her
extraordinary integrity, her commitment to making a positive impact on people’s lives
and her ability to make good on those commitments. She is a skillful and
compassionate leader and facilitator.
I recently took Co-Parenting Into The Future, largely to vet it before recommending it to
friends. Before doing it, I assumed the course would only be valuable to divorced
couples who were dealing with issues of co-parenting. I was wrong about that.
Although I think this course is a must for anyone getting divorced (or is already
divorced) with children, I experienced first-hand the powerful results available for
anyone who has ever been through a divorce, with or without children involved.
I was divorced over 20 years ago. We had no children. My ex-husband was verbally
abusive. Following our split-up, I had therapy for abused women for over a year and
had also done other work to heal and resolve my issues around that marriage. I really
thought I had fully resolved it.
So, I was amazed that I received so much value from the co-parenting course. During
the course, I saw that I had gone into my marriage with far more awareness of what I
was getting into than I had wanted to admit to myself. I also got in touch with what it
must have been like for my ex-husband to be married to me. True, he was abusive, but
rather than staying in the dysfunctional dance we were in, all the while despising him, I
could have left much sooner than I did. It was only right before I left him that I really told
him how I felt. I could have communicated honestly all along the way. I got a much
deeper understanding of my responsibility for the way it went.
Those discoveries made a profound difference for me. I came away with a strong sense
of clarity about that marriage and freedom from any lingering animosity toward my ex-husband.
With this course under my belt, I have no doubt I could have co-parented
effectively with him had I needed to.
In summation, I highly recommend Co-Parenting Into The Future as a powerful resource
to assist divorced couples in forging an authentic partnership in which to raise their
children effectively.
Yours truly,
Robyn Jamison