What is Co-parenting? Wikipedia describes this term as a “parenting situation where adults share the duties of parenting a child.” Most often this is a mother and a father who have divorced. It can also refer to any two people …
While summer break is often considered a time of relaxation, summertime for families of divorced and separated parents can be quite complicated. From negotiating summer vacations and rearranging custody to figuring out day care arrangements, summer time can be a …
Summer days are filled with sunny poolside afternoons and sticky hands from ice cream cones, but before we know it, your kids will be off to another year of school. Back-to-school time is both exciting and anxiety-producing for kids and …
If being a great dad is your heart’s desire but you worry it will be difficult to follow through because of a divorce or separation, you are not alone. Many dads have been there too – trudging through co-parenting difficulties …
When you are separated or divorced and share custody of a child, the struggles of building a working new dynamic of family relationships can add large amounts of stress. The stress extends not only to you and your spouse (or …
Co-parenting at any time can be a challenge. During holidays and other special times, it can be especially difficult. When a marriage is intact, it is often the case that parents divide activities and responsibilities regarding the children, such as …
The simple answer is “absolutely”, both for the sake of the children and the other family members. I have always believed that children deserve to have as many people love them as possible. That should not change after a divorce. …
Because I have changed my approach to new year’s resolutions and now have new day’s resolutions, I have been forced to figure a way to use my new approach to achieve overarching goals – like becoming debt free. It has …
This time of year, many people spend time reflecting on the year that had passed and changes they want to make for the year coming up. Typically, people make their new year’s resolutions. Speaking only from personal experience though, there …
Following a separation or divorce, many parents hope only to survive the holidays. I prefer to “thrive” them. Doing so requires planning, bravery and honesty. I bet most everyone in this situation, including the children, approach these days with anger, …