Money matters for most people all the time, especially families dealing with co-parenting and money issues that likely were never resolved. Today’s economy brings stress especially during and after divorce. What may be a tight budget for families becomes even …
In the days of #MeToo, the sentencing hearings of Bill Cosby, a “family man” icon to a generation of people, and the current twist, turns and debates surrounding Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the highest court in the land, what should …
Unfortunately, separation and divorce are an increasing reality for children today. Here are easy things that parents can do to ease the way for their children: Prepare a detailed schedule of your day-to-day life now and what you imagine …
My daughter, JJ, was 2 and 1/2 when her Dad and I separated and divorced. We were both committed to seeing that our divorce had as low an impact on our daughter as possible. That was not always easy. I …
(my opinion only) First let me remind you that I am a lawyer and not a psychologist. What I say here is not based on any empirical evidence but rather on what I believe based on my own …
If you and your spouse had been better able to effectively communicate, your relationship might not have broken down. There is a real art in creating agreements that work, do not create hard feelings, are clear and benefit the children. …
In my last blog, I wrote about some of my feelings in my early years of parenting. Even though my children are grown and on their own, I have 5 grandchildren and still spend a lot of time thinking about …
When I was a new parent, I was filled with fear. I had lots of other emotions too, like joy, wonder, fatigue, excitement, and eagerness. Yet these were all overwhelmed by the fear. I had a wonderful upbringing and …
I have always been of the opinion that you can never have too much information about a topic important to you, especially when going through a hard time, such as divorce, separation or changing dynamics of a relationship or family. …
When I was growing up, Valentine’s day was my all-time favorite holiday. My Mom’s too. She went out of her way to make it special for all of us and not just my Dad. The buildup was great, starting with …