Conflict Resolution Strategies for Co-Parents Co-parenting can be one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences after a separation or divorce. The shared responsibility of raising children binds ex-spouses together, often long after the romantic relationship has ended. However, unresolved …
Why “Co-Parenting Into The Future” is Different In the challenging landscape of divorce and child custody proceedings, Minnesota courts (and courts across the country) mandate co-parenting classes to help parents navigate their new dynamics and prioritize their children’s well-being. Among …
Our court-approved parenting course can be a valuable resource for parents going through divorce or separation, as well as for those involved in custody or visitation disputes. The course aims to provide parents with the necessary skills and knowledge to …
Making Magic Happen The holiday season is upon us, and it’s a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. For many families, this means navigating the intricate dance of co-parenting during the holidays. While co-parenting might come with its challenges, it’s …
Introduction: Navigating the complexities of co-parenting can be a challenging journey, often fraught with emotional hurdles and communication pitfalls. However, my experience with a co-parenting class not only transformed my approach to shared parenting but also laid the foundation for …
Being a good parent is challenging, and 41% of parents in the United States agree. 29% believe it is the most stressful endeavor they have undertaken. A large percentage agree that it is tiring. However, everyone agrees that in one …
Co-parenting refers to the shared responsibility of raising children by separated or divorced parents. It’s a journey that requires empathy, patience, and clear open communication for success. Research has shown that children who grow up in homes with a unified …
Co-parenting can be a challenging journey, especially when it follows the dissolution of a romantic relationship. However, for the sake of the child, it is essential to set aside personal grievances and create a new path characterized by forgiveness and …
Co-parenting after a divorce is not easy. There’s usually a lot of angst, fear, and hurt, and you generally worry and overthink things. There are suddenly new decisions to make: new partner decisions, income change adaptations, and most importantly, …
After a decision is made to divorce your spouse, you suddenly have a lot to do to reduce the impact on your kids and make sure they have a normal childhood and an even better future. It’s not as easy …