This class was a really good parenting class. I liked that it focused on deeper things that will move benefit my kids. It also helped me come to terms with the many things that happened in our marriage. I learned that no matter what the issues are with my marriage, that I made the choices from the beginning. I had the power to get out of this relationship and/or set boundaries earlier. Communicating and working together and understanding my spouses perspective is very important. I pray we can co parent well in the future. Good reminder to keep it, amicable, not badmouth and be a team specifically for the kids. Some really good material in here with great perspective. Watched the 4 hour course and found everything very helpful. The content is high-level and very necessary in navigating co-parenting in a divorce. I recommend taking notes and keeping the notes nearby and reference regularly. Divorce and separation are intense emotional experiences. Having the right tools is essential. this class provided just that. I appreciated the use of real world examples and the different steps and options in a dissolution. We wound up using a mediator and it was good to have an understanding of how that process would work. explained how co parents should communicate better Successful at making me think about my divorce in new ways. I’ve learned how to look at the bigger picture and how to have less blame and take more responsibility for my actions that contributed to the down fall of my relationship. Divorce does take 2 its a great way to hear other perspectives and be able to relate to the people in this course within my own experience. I learned valuable key points that I have already begun to apply in my situation, I’m going to practice on agreeing on stuff and making sure we both come to a conclusion on what’s best for our kiddo as at the end of the day we both want to be there for our son and the well being of him. HELPED SHOW ME HOW TO DEAL WITH THINGS AND PUT MY KID FIRST Finding Peace and Understanding Sometimes marriages don’t work out not because anyone is wrong, but because two people grow in different directions. This isn’t about failure – it’s about growth and learning. Let’s look at this situation from a fresh perspective: Understanding the Past: – Every relationship teaches us something valuable about ourselves – The good times were real and meaningful – Both people likely tried their best with the tools they had at the time – Misunderstandings happen when people communicate differently Moving Forward Positively: – This is a chance to model healthy behavior for your children – You can create a new kind of family – different, but still full of love – Your children can learn valuable lessons about resilience and adaptation – You have the opportunity to become better co-parents than you were partners Focus on the Children: – Children thrive when their parents are at peace – They need to feel loved and secure by both parents – This change can teach them about handling life’s challenges – Your new family structure can show them flexibility and strength Your New Journey: – You can channel energy into personal growth – Focus on being the best parent possible – Build new traditions and memories with your children – Create a peaceful co-parenting relationship Remember: The end of a marriage doesn’t mean the end of family. It’s a transformation into something different, but it can still be beautiful and meaningful. Your children will learn from how you handle this transition. By choosing understanding over anger, and cooperation over conflict, you’re teaching them valuable life lessons about resilience, adaptation, and grace. Looking Ahead: Think of this as a new chapter, not the end of the story. You have the power to shape how this story unfolds. Focus on creating a healthy, supportive environment for your children, and remember that healing takes time. It’s okay to take small steps forward. I learned how to forgive and let go. Take responsibility for my own actions. Keep it focused on the children. Be open and keep communication about the children This class focused on taking responsibility for your actions and making the best life going forward for the kids. I enjoyed this coming from a real life couple and not a therapists starch POV. It helped gain real like advice for coparenting with respect. Your spouse is in your life for the rest of your life when you have kids together. This course gives opportunity to see a different perspective on what my role was in this marriage breakdown and how I’m going to act responsibly to make it as seamless as possible for our kids moving forward. I learned the short and long term positive affects of working in a collaborative fashion vs. adversarial. This course really has helped me to take a breath and step back, take ownership for my contributions to the end of my marriage. It reinforced how important it is to always put the kids first. I really enjoyed this class! if I had these resources from the beginning id be in a totally different place! Good for focusing on child’s best interests & building collaborative relationship with ex spouse & letting go of blame. This course was very eye opening and made me reflect on my own behavior/situation. It contained many applicable tools I hope to use in the future for a better life for myself, ex husband and our child.How To Thrive
Co parenting class tought me about Taking accountabilityt
Co Parenting Into the Future
Real World Examples
Good course
Very informative
No Title
No Title
Finding Peace and Understanding in Coparenting
How to forgive
Putting the children first
Real life advice
Choose to have a positive outlook and model that for your kids!
Amazing course, every should have to take before getting married!
loved the resources!!
Eye Opening